Ask any woman about sugar and she’ll have a lot to say.
She’ll tell you that she loves sugar, in all it’s varieties, some more 
others.  She can even tell you how the flavor taste while she’s eating it
and for some reason you can almost taste it in your mouth as if you
were really eating what she’s describing.  That’s how much she loves

The medical industry has conducted many studies on how sugar
affects a person:  Sugar is one of the most addictive substances out
and one of the things it does is release dopamine in the brain which
gives a person that rush they are looking for and makes them feel good.  

That’s the same reaction that drugs have.

Women crave sugar for so many different reasons:  Stress, boredom, feeling
 feeling hurt or being hurt by someone and more.  These reasons can
become the trigger for the need to eat lots and lots of sugar.  Usually sugar

does not satiate the cravings or release the problem that existed in the
first place, usually it leads to guilt from eating so much of it.  The guilt
will put women in a funk so then she says to herself:  “well I screwed-up
so I might as well keep on eating more sugar, I can’t eat just one cookie
and go on with life, so I’ll start on the tub of ice cream.”

Guilt leads to more consumption of sugar and how the body processes
she’ll get that temporary rush that she wants.

Things might be different for a women with a need for lots of sugar if she
taught coping skills as a child and teenager, maybe even as a young
adult.  Very few children and teenagers are taught how to deal and cope
with the different stressors in their life.  She might not have a need to
consume a lot of sugar and repeat that vicious cycle.  She might choose
a healthier way of dealing with stress.

As far as guilt is concerned, women need to go easy on themselves.  No
is perfect and there’s going to be things that happen again.  It’s okay
to fail or screw-up, just pick yourself up and move on.  Let go of the guilt,
tomorrow will be a better day.