Struggle With A Little Modification Equals Success!

You might be thinking that you do recognize Struggle With A Little Modifications Equals Success
some of the feelings mentioned in 
the first
blog post
  Feelings of depression, irritability
or feeling like you don’t 
fit in where ever you
are or where ever you go.


One of the first things that you can do
is to start by asking yourself some
good questions and then write
the answers down in a note book
or journal.  
Make sure to write the
questions down in your notebook
or journal and leave some 
space for
you to be able to write your feelings
and responses.

The First Question is: How old were you
when you first remember felling like
that  (depressed, irritable, not fitting in, etc)
and what do you think was the event that was
the onset of these feelings?

Make sure to write as much detail as possible about that time in your life.
Don’t worry if you can’t remember very many details, the main thing is to get as much
as you remember down on paper.
You’ll find that just by writing these things down will start to make a big difference
in how you are feeling at the moment.
It’s like taking off a very tight pair of jeans that doesn’t quite fit right and you breathe
a sigh of relief after you manage to get the last leg out of those jeans.

Second Question:  How is it affecting your life right now?

Are you sleeping all the time?  Are you verbally snapping at
those are you for no reason?  Do you feel lonely because you feeling like you don’t fit in?
Know that it’s not your fault! As a human being you are given the ability to feel so
many emotions and
sometime it seems like you feel them all at once.

Third Question:    Are you ready to transform these feelings into something better?

If the answer is yes!(and I hope it is yes) then here are some things that you can do
right now to get the ball rolling.
Find a local organization in your area that is looking for volunteers, it could be your
local food bank, an elderly home, the library, a soup kitchen for the homeless or any
other type of organization that you might be interested in visiting.
Volunteering for at least a couple hours a month is a good amount of time to start with.
From there you will know if you would like to volunteer more at that place or find
another organization to spend your time at.

After each time that you do volunteer, write in your notebook or journal about your experience.
Write down everything that you were feeling, your experience while being there, the people that you met and so forth.  Be sure to include all the little details about that experience that you think might not be a big deal but,  might be more meaningful then it seems right now.

Keep an eye out for someone you may know or know of that has experience with volunteering with an organization of any kind.  It would be a good idea to sit down and talk to that person about how it
impacted them, the way
they think, view and do things now that they have personal experiences with volunteer work.

It’s amazing what happens when you start to do something different in your life that you normally wouldn’t  do or aren’t  accustomed to doing.  In a matter of time it helps you to feel a little
lighter in your heart and your mind.



Janin Johnston