√7:14:16 How you feel aboutyourself on the insidewill always show onthe outside.

Have you ever felt like there are some things that you’re struggling with
and that you’ll never overcome them?  I know I have!

There seems to be a problem that’s common among many of the women that I talk with
in my community, women that I teach and women that I do business with… and, it’s low
self-worth.  Have you ever thought about that?

With all of the things that get in our way, low self-worth is the one (thing) that is not so
recognizable.  Now why is that?  I’d like to share with you what I know and what I’ve

Low self-worth affects everything you do.

It’s really running your life without you even realizing that it’s happening.

Low self-worth has symptoms like a low grade fever – it’s there, but not that noticeable
or recognizable, so you still go about your daily life trying to get things done.  You feel
like there’s a conflict that’s going on inside of you.

You start to wonder and even question yourself about what could be happening.  Could
there be a problem with me?  Do you dare to even wonder about something like that, is
it even possible?

You think to yourself ‘someone please tell me what’s going on!’… When is this (frustration)
going to stop? (that’s what I’ve said to myself).  Aren’t things supposed to get easier as
life and time goes on, and, as your skills and knowledge about yourself and life grow?

You are made up of many, many layers as a human being – some of the main ones are
the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical layers that are inseparably a part of you.

Therefore, there are triggers that make some of those layers start shaking, and, you
have no idea what’s going on!  It happens week after week, month after month and
you start to get really frustrated with yourself and your life.

Triggers come from many sources that you probably have never even thought of.
Take a look at some of the sources that are listed below that affect your self-worth.

Sources of Low Self-Worth:

Things People Have Said To You:

Signs & Symptoms of Low Self-Worth:

Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions (DISGUISED):

Things You Say To Yourself Out Loud:

Noticeable Behaviors:

Intangible Effects Of Low Self-Worth:

Visual Effects:

*Your clothes are an expression of how you feel about yourself on the inside.

                     √7:13:16Your Worth And Money Are NOT Synonymous

Financial Effects:

*Your relationship with money is not only a mindset, but it’s also a whole way of being.

Your self-worth drives everything you do!

How you feel about your worth as a human being is so powerful that If you allow it,
low self-worth will always win out in the end.

It’s so important to know of your worth and that you’re worth is great!

This is what I recommend:
1.  Acknowledge your gifts, talents and skills that you have, that you’ve gained or acquired.
Know who you truly are!

2.  Know that what you do matters in the lives of the people you touch.

3.  Have a desire to want to know of your worth, even if you can’t see your worth,
you can come to feel of your worth.

Combat low self-worth with truth!

You can always have peace when you speak the truth to yourself.  Maybe you weren’t
told how special you are and that you’re a gift from God, but that doesn’t mean that
it’s not true.  I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that it is true!

Be charitable to yourself, you’re always charitable to other people, so, don’t forget
about you and that you matter.  Make this journey you’re on worth every moment as
you feel of your self-worth.

                 The Worth OfYour Soul Is GreatIn The Sight Of God


When you focus on your gifts that you’ve been given from God, then you will start to
feel your worth as you use those gifts to serve others and well as yourself.  It might
feel like a slow and gradual process of getting to know and feel of your self-worth,
but, what a great feeling it will be.

You and I – together, let’s toss out this low self-worth and low grade fever, so that we
don’t give it any room to move around or grow!

The time to feel and know of your worth is now!

Let me help you create an amazing relationship with yourself.
Connect with me at janin@fashionablefinance.com

