Episoder #147-Want To Try EXPANSIVE THINKING To Help You Grow?! What is expansive thinking? I use the analogy of blowing up a balloon. The balloon …

Episode #146-Have You Always SECRETLY WONDERED If Your Talents And Passions Could Bring In Money For You And Your Family?! Have you always secretly wondered …

Episode #145-What Would YOU LIKE TO DO?! You have a choice on what you want to do every day.  You do make choices every minute …

Episode #144-Do The Words “START A BUSINESS” Scare You?! The words “start a business” can be very scary to some people. Having a business has …

Episode #143-Women’s History Month-CELEBRATE THE WOMEN IN YOUR LIFE! I’m here to help you use your God-given creative gifts and share it, you were given …

Episode #142-Snacking Away Your Frustrations?! We eat snacks because we’re wanting and looking for a certain feeling. No one really wants to feel frustrated. We …