Episode #63-Do You Treat Your Clothes Differently Depending On How Much You Paid For It? Do You Treat Your Clothes Differently DependingOn How Much You …

Episode #62-Cheap VS. Expensive-How Do You LIVE Your Life? Cheap vs expensive, how do you live your life? You have to have money to live …

Episode #61-1 Way To Hide A Tummy A lot of women have a protruding tummy in the mid-section that can become a very self-conscious area.  …

Episode #60-Be OK With Being UNIQUE And Being YOURSELF! I want you to be OK with you being unique and for you to beOK with …

Episode #59-How Do You Want To SHOW UP?! How you show up in your life is something that is a hard thingto talk about, but …

Episode #58-You Have Worth And Value! I want to talk to you about your self-worth, this is one thingthat I like to talk about because I …