Negative Self-Talk - 2

When was the last time you ever listened to the things that you
said on a daily basis?  I think you would be surprised to hear all
the things that you’ve said to yourself throughout the day, and,
I can bet that a lot of it is negative(self-talk).

Have you ever heard the term or expression – you reap what you
sow?  Whatever you say usually tends to grow bigger and bigger
as time goes on.

Think of your mind as a place where you plant all your thoughts,
feelings and ideas about how you feel about yourself.

Your mind is like fertile soil, ready to grow whatever you put in it
(plant).  And, your daily negative thoughts are like water to the
seeds you’ve planted in the fertile soil which allows it to keep


It becomes this crazy habit that keeps growing and growing –
which becomes so harmful to yourself.

We are not born with negative thoughts and when we learn to
talk, our first words as a baby is not something negative – it’s
usually dah-dah.  (It’ sad that it’s not “mama!”)

We imitate what we hear from those people around us. If you’ve
had adults around you who said a lot of negative things and had
negative self-talk when you were growing up, then the chances
that you will do the same is great.

Have you ever said any of these things to yourself?

There’s so much more that I can add to that list, but I won’t.

You know what you say to yourself, and, I bet that you have heard
other women say those things to themselves too.

How are you supposed to feel good about yourself?

How are you going to feel good in the clothes that
you wear if you are constantly saying those crazy things to
yourself?  How are you supposed to feel like you can have a
good relationship with anyone else if you don’t have a good
relationship with yourself?

Trying to ignore all those negative self-talks that you have with
yourself is not going to help you in any way, it will only hurt you
more.  It might have even become major dialog sessions that
you have with yourself on a daily basis.

Are you at the point of just not caring any more about taking care
of yourself?

I’m a big proponent for taking care of and appreciating your body
and I know it’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it.
(No matter what your dialog has been!)

How you take care
of and feel about your body is far more important than what you
wear. (I say that even when I feel that what you wear is extremely
important, it is second on my list of importance).

Negative self-talk is like poison to your body.

There is a book that I love that expresses this point, so much
better, the book is called ‘As A Man Thinketh’ by James Allen
and he says that “Disease and health, like circumstances, are
rooted in thought.  Sickly thoughts will express themselves
through a sickly body.” (page 35)

Now, is the time to replace those negative self-talks that you
have with questions, really powerful questions.  It may feel
strange at first, but if you have a desire to want something
better for yourself, then I urge you to make that effort.

You are worth it!

Write out on paper all the negative things that you recognize
that you’ve been saying to yourself.  You may have buried it
deep down in the abyss of your heart and mind, but just keep
writing, it will surface the more you keep writing.

If I could, I would do this exercise for you, but, as you know
the only way to make it work is for you to write it all out and
work through it yourself.

Question those negative words you’ve been saying.

For example:  If you have been saying to yourself ‘I’m ugly’,
then ask yourself if that’s really true and where did I(you) get
those thoughts from.  When did I(you) start saying that to myself?

Are you comparing yourself to movie stars, music stars, women
on the cover of magazines?  Did someone who didn’t like you
ever tell you that you were ugly?  Especially little kids, they say
the meanest things.  Did a kid say something mean to you when
you were a kid?

I have always believed in asking really great questions, all the
time.  It’s amazing what you’ll discover about yourself and life
when you make it a habit.

You might even have to ask yourself the same question in many
different ways – so keep asking.

What you’ll come to see is that negative self-talk is draining,
how much time was wasted doing it and that it only brought
you down.

I bet that you’re really not ugly, and who defines beauty anyway!
You need to define what beauty is and means to you, don’t
allow someone else to define it for you.


Never ever compare yourself to anyone else, especially the
movie and music stars and the airbrushed models on the
cover of all the magazines out there in the world, because,
you are unique because God made you that way(and that’s a
great thing).

If someone who didn’t like you told you that you were ugly,
then it’s really a sad thing for them.  They are the ones with
the problem, not you.  You probably were there to take the
brunt of their unhappiness, so keep that in mind if that does
ever happen to you.

Negative self-talk seems to come out somehow(without you
even realizing it) in conversations you have with other people.
So be aware of that.  It usually makes other people uncomfortable.

Remember, you are worth it, so go for it!  Don’t hold back!

You are worth more than those crazy negative self-talks that
have been taking over your mind on a daily basis.

Contact me today so that I can help you get started on working
through this crazy thing called ‘negative self-talk’.

Aloha, Janin