Life is one BIG classroom!  There’s always something to be learned
each5-27-14 From Kapiolani Park and every day and faith is one of those things that is learned
along the way.

Sometimes we don’t even realize that some of the things that we
do and go 
through takes faith.  Faith is to hope for things which
are not seen, but which 
are true.  To have faith is to have
confidence in something or someone.

What’s really magical is to watch little children play as they experience
life as 
much as possible being as little as they are.  They have this innate
ability to have 
faith in everything that they do and experience as well as for
the people who take care of 
them.  Children don’t worry about whether or not
everything is going to turn out okay.

Something happens along the way as were growing up in which faith seems to
have disappeared from our lives.  It’s like we have to learn how to have faith
all over again and it can be a rough thing to learn sometimes.

Learning to have faith is so rewarding once you can get to that place of having
hope and 
trust in those things that you cannot see.  It might take work, but you
just have to “go for it”and take a deep breath once you’ve done all you can do.

If you have forgotten what it was like to be a child and have that kind of faith, go
spend a moment or two watching little children at play.  You will be amazed
at what 
you see.  Children are a gift.  We can learn so many things from them.

We will always have faith building experiences for the rest of our lives, as we live
here on earth.  There’s no way around it, so do as little children do, just
have faith.  It is possible!  It’s an amazing thing to behold.