This is the last of this 3 part series of Learning To Receive So That You Can Give

Learning to receive is all about valuing yourself.  To often
people don’t value the person they are, what talents they
have or what they have to offer people in terms of service
or even if they have a business.  The list goes on and on.

What’s really important to think about and remember is
that you cannot give of yourself, whether it’s by giving
of service, giving love, giving of your time or talents
if you aren’t willing (or don’t know how) to accept and/
or receive the same things from other people.  There
has to be some reciprocity.  If there isn’t any, then the
giving and receiving from both sides would be
meaningless.  There needs to be that value
component to all of this.

Think about it for a minute, have you ever given someone
something that you thought would be nice and/or helpful
only to see that person accept it with a weird expression
on their face like – what’s this for or what am I supposed
to do with this or someone might say ‘what are you
doing that for’.  I’m sure you’ve seen or heard it before
with other people if you haven’t experienced it for yourself.

Sometimes the weird receiving may not be that obvious
to you at first, but, just for a minute you get this odd feeling
that it wasn’t received in the way that you had intended
it be.  You think to yourself “what just happened?”

If people are paying attention they can usually feel another
persons ‘vibe’ if you will, they can tell if you value yourself or
not.  And if they aren’t paying attention It could be that the
other person was at a place mentally or emotionally that didn’t
allow them to feel your heartfelt giving at that time for whatever
reason. They possibly might not even value themselves enough
to receive something from you or another person.

So what does all of that mean?  It comes down to the fact that
when you start to value yourself, people around you will start
to notice it and feel it for themselves and will want what you have
to offer and maybe even to be a part of your life.  It will also allow
you to recognize those people who will be able to receive what you
have to give with love and gratitude.

Start valuing yourself by finding at least one thing that you love and
are good at.  Recognize that you have special gifts that you were
given and put it to good use.


Designing and Creating
Aloha, Janin