In part 1 of this article series I talked about receiving, women
having strong feelings of unworthiness and where it most likely
comes from.

Let’s talk about money, that big scary monster of a topic. 
Money is just one of those things that you need, to live on
earth, there’s just no way around it.  Despite what you
about it growing up or even how you feel about it
now doesn’t
matter, it needs to be talked about and dealt

Money is neither good nor bad, it exist for you to use any which
way you choose.  People put a value on it and choose how they
look at money: good or bad, plentiful or scarce,  having a lot is a
great thing or having to much means your greedy.  There are so
many more ways that people look at and feel about it.

So how can you receive money if you have some major feelings
of unworthiness?

One thing you can do is to think about all of your expenses and
bills that you have to pay each month.  Do you have a mortgage
to pay?  Do you have credit card debt?  Do you have a loan that
you’re paying for each month?  Do you owe any family or friends
money for any reason?

With that in mind, think about receiving money as a way to pay
the debts that you have because debt does not magically
disappear, It increases as time goes on.

That is only one way out of the dozens of ways to start thinking
about money and how to be able to receive it without having
those major feelings of unworthiness that come over you.

Here is something else that most people don’t realize:    

Money usually comes from other people, for example:  your
paycheck if you have a job, if you have your own business –
money would come from your customers for products or
services they’ve received from you, possibly a gift of money
for your birthday, some people receive money as a Christmas
present from someone.  These are just a few of the possible
ways that you could receive money from other people.

So start thinking about these things, give it some deep meaningful
thought as you go about your day.

Stay tuned for part 3 of this “Learning To Receive So That You
Can Give” article series.


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