This post is the first in a 3-part series on
“Learning to Receive”

This topic is one that needs to be talked about.
In many
of the conversations that I have had with
women about receiving, whether
it’s money, a gift
or a donation of some kind they usually have said
me things like: “I could never take that”, or, “give it
to someone else
who needs it more than me”, or, “I
don’t deserve it”, and the worse one
of all is, “I can’t
take it that would be shameful or embarrassing.”

I have to admit that I have said one or two of those
things n the past, not
realizing that I was not allowing
other people the opportunity to give from
their heart and
for them to receive the blessings of giving and sharing.

Receiving and giving is a two way street.  It always will be that way.
You cannot
give if someone is not receiving and you cannot receive if
no one is giving.
  Reciprocity is a great thing.  That’s what makes the
world go ’round.

Why is it that so many women are in a place of not receiving?  We all know
that women are great at giving, usually giving all they’ve got until they
reach a point of depletion.  Then there is nothing to give after that.

What I’ve come to realize and have examined after working with many, many
over the last 21 years is that the majority of them have such strong
feelings of
unworthiness which in turn stifles them and doesn’t allow them to
receive with
grace and gratitude.

Unworthiness comes from so many different people, places and experiences.
You learn from your parents, family members and those around you.
Most of the people in your life that have had such a great influence on you
even realize some of the things that they taught you were really not
helping you to be a gracious and grateful receiver.  They were only doing
they thought was best for you at the time.

Places like the different schools that you went to growing up.  There is so
peer pressure in school that you tend to believe what your friends,
teachers and
maybe even what coaches have said or taught you.  All
because you didn’t want to
be teased, threatened, or left out.  In the
end all you’re left with is a feeling of

Experiences are such a big deal.  People, places and experiences are all
People are in the places and experiences that you have.
Have you ever gone through an experience that was terrible, sad, scary
or painful?
  Whether by your own doing or by the hand of someone else?

Quite often those experiences leave a long lasting impression on your heart
and mind.
  Often leaving you wondering why and feeling like you’re not
worthy of anything good.

Stay tuned for part 2 in this “Learning to Receive” series.

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