Have you ever thought about money in that way?  Making friends with it?

If you haven’t, then great!  I want to take you down a road of friendship.
Think about a friend that you have that’s a really good friend.  You both get
along really well, you’re always happy to see each other, there’s always a give
and take and selfishness has never shown its ugly self.

You know you have a really good friendship if both of you are laughing a lot,
sharing ideas, hopes and dreams, and sometimes even tears; tears of joy
and tears of sadness.

I hope that you all have at least one friendship like that; I know that I do
for sure.  What would life be like without one!  Probably a lot more difficult.

Sometimes, it takes some time to really have a solid friendship with your
money.  Just like your friendship with a person, sometimes it takes months
or even years for it to become solid for many reasons.

There’s a purpose for having friendships in your life as mentioned above,
and there’s also a purpose for being friends with your money.

Here’s some of the reasons why it’s a good idea:
Money, whether it’s made of paper or metal has an important purpose in
your life.

These are just some of the things that being friends with your
money will do for you, there are a lot more that I didn’t list.

I just love how all of the things listed make you laugh, but
they are so true.  Doesn’t it just want to make you re-think
your relationship with money?

Being friends with your money doesn’t have to be hard,
you just have to want to be friends with it.

It is possible, the first thing you need to do is to decide.
Make that internal decision that you are going to get to that
point of friendship no matter what it takes.

The second thing you need to do is to ask for help.
Nobody gets to a better place all by himself or herself.
Progress is always made when there is support.

I would love to support you to get to where you want to be.

Please send me an email and let me know if you would like
to schedule a complimentary Fashionable Finance Discovery
Session at Janin@fashionablefinance.com