I love the diversity of all the people that I’m surrounded with, it makes life
so great.  I think it would drive me crazy if there was someone in my life
that was exactly like me.  

People are so interesting.  I’m fascinated by the stories of their life,
where they were born and raised, what kinds of family traditions they
had growing up and maybe still have, what they did in high school and
how they chose the path that they are on today.  These are just some
of the things that I like to ask.

What are the differences that you like in other people that you know or
get to 
meet?  The world needs different people with different skills, abilities,
ideas and best of all… imagination.  Can you imagine what would it be like
if all of us in this world were only math geniuses?  There would be no art of
any kind.  Now that would be sad.

There is always something new to be learned from each person that you
associate with or that you just meet.  They could have had a life experience
that had an outcome that could just be what you needed to learn at that
moment to help you with your own problem.  You just never know!

Never underestimate the power of the differences in the people all around you.

So I ask you, what could you offer someone that is different from you?