Most of us women don’t like to talk about our finances, we are afraid
of people finding out how much money we make or how much money
we have in our bank accounts.

One person I talked to said that she feels like it’s a taboo for women to talk about money.

Why is that? 

So many of us have been taught by our families that it’s not O.K. to talk about money.

It’s hard for us to start thinking a different way when we are constantly surrounded by people who try to tell you what we CANNOT do.  And most of the time it’s the people that we love that are around us the most.

It’s a good thing that we are surrounded by people that love us, but we’re all human
and we are all doing the best we can.

But if we can’t get the support from our families, then how do we learn about
money and get the skills that we need to manage our money.

There are more opportunities for women today than ever before, but many of us
are not prepared with the knowledge and skills we need when it comes to our
 and the management of it.

One of the things that I really want to do is to encourage all of us to bring this
conversation out into the open and not be afraid to talk about money.  We all
need to learn the tools necessary to be successful with our money.

It’s very empowering when we can be successful with our finances.

If you are someone that feels like you can’t be fashionable about your finances,
don’t worry, you are not alone.  Let’s help each other! 🙂

Let’s think about this: 
What makes you uncomfortable about talking about your finances?

Post a comment below and let’s talk.

I invite you to work with me, email me at
for a complimentary strategy session.



Janin Johnston
The Fashionable Finance Coach

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