Feeling Bad About Your Body At The End Of The HolidayCelebrations-

Are you coming off of the holidays and end of the year celebrations feeling yucky?
(yucky is a real word, I looked it up in the Webster’s Dictionary)

Yucky seems to be the only word that really describes what it feels like after
the Holidays.

Just when you thought you had enjoyed the holidays- something crept in to
make you feel yucky because maybe, you ate too much and you didn’t take
care of yourself during the holidays.  Or, maybe you spent way more money
than you had, and you don’t want anyone to know about any of these things.

It happens to the best of us – you’re not alone.

It’s common that many women feel bad about their body after the holidays
especially when they felt like they ate way too much.  There’s so much
temptation with all the amazing food that’s around.  That can make anyone

I want to ask you some questions and take a minute to think about it:

The end of the holidays and the start of the new year is not supposed to feel like this.

How do you feel about it?  Whatever your thoughts are about that, it’s O.K. that’s just
part of life.

If you let it, feeling yucky about those things can consume your life.

Feeling bad about your body didn’t just start during this past holiday season.  Feeling
bad about your body always starts at an early age and I’ve talked a little bit about it

Wearing baggy or oversized clothes is not the solution.

Why would you want to torture yourself and feel bad about your body and how you

Here is what I want you to put into place because you’re worth it:  Start treating your
body like it’s a gift.  I know it sounds crazy, but just trust me and try it out.

God gave you and I an amazing body and we have to appreciate it and think of it as
a gift.

Just think about all of the wonderful things your body can do – walk, run, give a hug
and so much more.

Turn that torture and bad feelings about your body and how you look upside down
and see what’s on the other side.  It’s the same thing with your finances if you spent
more than you had.

Sometimes we all do things that are not the best for us.  That’s part of being human
and living life.  You have to experience things that are both good and bad, so that
you can learn and grow.  Welcome to life!

Now is the best part… decide what you want.  Do you want to continue to feel
bad about your body and your finances or do you want to work on letting it go?

A word of caution! . . . what ever you do, don’t compare yourself to anyone else
on this planet.  Comparison will knock you down and keep you down.  Remember
that you are unique, there is no one else like you on this earth.

You are special.

Making a decision on what you want is so powerful.  No one can ever take that
away from you.  Yes, it will take work for you to let go and overcome those bad
feelings, but it’s so worth it.

Anything of worth is going to take some work to make it better, and now is a
great time to get started and make that decision to overcome any bad feelings.
Especially since it’s the beginning of a new year and there seems to be a feeling
of hope at this time.

Remember, it’s not worth it to start off a new year feeling bad about your body
and your finances.

I am here to help you with your body image and getting your finances straight.
It is possible to feel good and get things in order.

Please contact me so that I can help you get started today.

Aloha, Janin