yellow Hibiscus

Feeling discouraged can be very frustrating especially if you feel
discouraged a lot!  This is what I know: the word ‘discourage’ is the
direct opposite of ‘courage’. I know that many women have been
discouraged once or twice in their lives (maybe more).

Being discouraged can make you crazy! Especially if you hold on to
the feeling of discouragement for a long period of time. Sometimes
it’s really hard to get out of or let go of that crazy cycle of feeling and
being discouraged.

I do have to say that it is important for all of us to experience these types
of feelings, so that we can come to that place of knowing what it feels like,
what was the reason or thing that got us in to that funky place (as I like to call it)
in the first place and that we never ever want to go back there again if possible.

Of course if you’re at that mastery level of being in total control of your mind,
feelings and emotions, then that’s really great. End of story! But… if you’re not
at that mastery level then this is for you.

There are so many reasons why you would get in to that funky place of feeling
and being discouraged that it’s almost impossible to mention all of them here.
Especially because of how different you are from everyone else.

Now that’s a good thing, that you’re different from everyone else.

You are a unique soul and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

One reason for feeling discouraged that I would like to mention is when things
aren’t going the way that you’d like them to go. Now that’s a big one because
we as women are so used to taking care of everyone and everything, we know
how we like things done and when we want it done (like now!) Ha ha, funny but

When things aren’t going the way we want and it’s taking way too long, we can
get discouraged very easily because we are so used to making things happen.
Obviously there may be a feeling of anger at first but, when it’s out our control
that anger can turn to discouragement.

It’s one thing to feel discouraged but it’s another thing to be/being discouraged.

If you’re at that point of being and you’ve been there for a while, it’s probably
not a good feeling that you want to hold on to. It is possible to get out of that
funky place.  If you let it hold on to you for a long period of time, it could prevent
you from so many things in life.

You don’t want to get to that point of depression and stress.

Take a deep breath and know that help is on the way! 🙂

The number one thing that you can do is to acknowledge who you are and
what your gifts are. You are a wonderful women here on earth to grow and learn,
to gain all kinds of experiences that will make you in to a better person if you let it.

Your gifts are so important for you as a woman. I can’t stress that enough here.
You were given gifts that are only for you. Those gifts are to bless you personally
and to bless those around you and whom you come in contact with throughout your life.

Remember that feeling and being discouraged is only temporary. Remembering
what your gifts are can help you to have the courage to move forward no matter
what is going on in your life and to get out of that ‘discourage’ trap that is easy to fall into.