Episode #98-Want To Know What Happens To Your CONFIDENCE When You Do Scary Things?!

I want to talk about confidence because you do scary things, and it
stems from a conversation that I had yesterday with someone that
I know who has two young children.

She has a 3-year-old daughter who does “scary” things(really it’s
only scary to adults) like jumping off the couch or stairs, and has
this confidence about her in the way she walks and how she carries
herself, even though she’s only 3!

When we do scary things, that’s where the confidence comes from.

You don’t have to do scary things like doing a cart-wheel, riding a
motorcycle, or jumping out of an airplane.

It’s just about doing things that you think are scary in your daily life.

When you actually do that scary thing, you’ll gain that confidence and
feel so much better about yourself.

Confidence is on the other side of scary(or whatever you want to name it).

Do something scary today!

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Aloha, Janin


Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production