Episode #94-What Would Happen If You Said "YES" To Yourself?!

What would happen if you said yes to yourself?

It could be the greatest thing, it could be filled with
amazing things.

If you said yes, could you possibly open your treasure
chest you’ve had locked up for a long time?

Your treasure chest is like your hopes, your dreams, and
goals that you’ve always wanted to fulfill.

You have to say yes to yourself first and that has meaning. 

If you say yes to taking care of your health because if
you’re sick all the time there’s no way you’ll be able to
even think about your hopes, dreams and goals.

Start saying yes to yourself today.  Open your treasure

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Aloha, Janin


Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production