Episode #90-Open Your Box!-Don't Let Your GIFTS Die!

Are you using your gifts that you were given from God?

Don’t let your gifts die! 

If you don’t ever use your gifts, they will die inside of you
and you’ll 

never know what that gift could have done for you, or how
it would have made you feel, or how it would have blessed
your life and the lives of other people.

Just like if a friend were to gave you a gift in a beautifully
wrapped box with a really pretty bow on it, and, you never
opened it to see what was inside!  What!  

That’s like saying to your friend that you don’t care that she
took the time to get the gift and then wrap it, tie with a ribbon
and a bow.

So why would you do that to yourself with your gifts?

Open your gifts today and use them!  Now is the time.

It’s God’s way of showing His love for you.

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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production