Episdoe #85-COMPARING Yourself Is Like Apples To Oranges!

Comparison is a common problem that we do, and when I
say we do it, it’s because I have done it in my life and every
now and then I catch myself doing it.

Think about the example of comparing apples to oranges,
the only thing they have in common is that they’re fruit. 

So, if you compare yourself to someone, the only thing you
have in common is that you’re a human being or you both
are women.

It’s impossible to compare yourself to someone else because
there are no two people alike, not even identical twins.

You have your own unique gifts, talents, and skills.

God created you to be you!  There’s no one else out there
that can be just like you.

It’s almost ridiculous that we compare ourselves to someone else. 
Going on social media can take you on a downward spiral when
you look at other people and see only the perfect pictures and videos,
but you have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes and the messiness. 

Make a decision today that you’re going to focus on your gifts and
talents and how special you are.

Focus on what makes you happy and what you can create that gets you
excited to wake up to every morning and do or work on.

Your life will never look the same.

I have a special offer starting today where you can sign up
for a 45 minutes coaching session with me to help you get
started with your very own creative business. And it’s a
special price of $47 from now November 11 to
November 16, 2020.

So if you’re ready and you want me to help you start, you can send me
an email at aloha@janinjohnston.com

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production