Episode #76-What It Means To Have A CREATIVE BUSINESS!

Aloha sisters! I want to share with you what it means to have a CREATIVE


I’m not trying to be funny, but you can create and have whatever kind of
business you want and that’s the beauty of a creative business.

I can almost guarantee that you love to create beauty and there’s something

magical about that and sometimes it’s hard to explain because it’s just what
you do. 

These are a short list of what it means:

  • it’s where you put your heart and soul
  • you use your God-given creative gifts and put something that you create
    out into the world
  • It’s something that you care about deeply and it comes from your heart
    and you create something that’s special to you
  • It expresses a part or all of who you are and your core values
  • It’s fulfilling where you wake up everyday feeling excited about your life
    and what you’re creating
  • you bring to life what exists in the spiritual and bring it into the physical
  • where you are serving other people for free and in exchange for money
  • you can decide how many hours you want to work
  • you decide who you’re going to serve
  • what it’s going to look like
  • how much time you want to spend in and on your business.

Are you ready for a business coach?

If yes, send me an email at aloha@janinjohnston.com
and let’s get started!

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go to: http://bit.ly/calledtocreatepodcast

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Music by: The late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production

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