Episode #113-PREPARE What You’re Going To Do When...

Open your treasure chest, what’s in there that is so precious. 
What you have in your heart is important.

Prepare what you’re going to do when… could mean anything. 

It’s all about preparation is key for you to know how to deal with
something like moments of frustration, something you’re doing that’s
not going the way it supposed to.

Or moments of frustration and land of motivation.

You have to prepare ahead of time.  There’s that saying that: “if
ye are prepared, ye shall not fear”

Prepare for a few key things in your life at first if you haven’t done
so yet.

An example of preparing would be to create a song list on your phone
that’s going to help you get going and help you get motivated, especially
if you have to do something and you’re lacking the motivation to do it. 

Other things you could do if you have to give a presentation for your
work or job and you’ve never done it before and you don’t like doing
that kind of stuff.

Another suggestion is to pray if you believe in prayer, meditation, play
your song list, have a friend that you trust that you can call, text or
FaceTime, watch a video(just be careful not to go down a rabbit hole of
watching 10 videos).

When you prepare ahead of time, it will help alleviate a lot of
that fear, stress, and anxiety.  

If you are ready to start your own creative business and want
a guide to help you get 
started, then click on this link and get this 
business starter kit.


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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production