Episode #108-You Got QUESTIONS About Starting A Business? Is It Getting In The Way?!

These are real questions that people have about starting a business.  

The number one question that stops people from starting a business is:
What if I have fear and doubt?

The second question that stops people is:
What if no one buys my stuff or doesn’t sign up for my class
I want to teach?

The third question that stops people is:
What if my life is so busy that I don’t know when I’ll have time?

These are all valid and real questions.

I share a number of solutions that you can do to help with any
of these things that could stop you from starting your business –
like just take that first step forward and things will get better.

Tune in to hear what example I use when it comes to fear and doubt.

If you are ready to start your own creative business and want
a guide to help you get 
started, then click on this link and get this 
business starter kit.

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Aloha, Janin


Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production