Episode #102-Be CURIOUS?! You’ll Never Know Where It Could LEAD You!

I like to talk about little children because I have Grandchildren
and they are so much fun to watch.

Think back to when you were a kid, you used your imagination,
and you played and were curious.

What were you curious about?  What did you discover?  

It’s amazing to be curious as an adult.

It could lead to learning something new or learning something
that can help you or help you become better.

I want you to find something new, go out today, and be curious.

With life being so busy, sometimes it doesn’t allow you to be curious,
so keep curiosity in mind today.

Be curious about yourself.  Is there something that you were curious
about but have never taken the time to find out about it?

Do this today, you never know where it could lead to.

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Aloha, Janin


Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production