Episode #101-COMMITMENT To Yourself! It Can Be A BEAUTIFUL THING!

Your commitment to yourself.  I talk about things that I work on and
commitment is one of those things.

In the past, I’ve committed to only doing things that were easy.  But
I’ve learned that I have to commit to doing things that are
hard because that’s where I can learn and grow.

If you can commit to what you want, it just makes life so much sweeter.

Commit to yourself to do the hard things so that it will become easier.

You’re going to get older and have another birthday so you might as
well do something to fulfill your dreams in the meantime.

Commitment, it can become a beautiful thing!

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Aloha, Janin


Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production