Worry, it’s something that a lot of people do and seems to be a common thing,
is it necessary?  Well that’s a personal thing.

What is worry?  Basically it’s constant thoughts about something that plays
in your mind over and over and over again.  You might get to a point where 
you say to yourself or out loud:  Pleeeaaassseee … make it stop!

Why do you worry? It might be that you’re not sure how things are going to
work out and maybe there’s not enough
 information for you to see the whole
picture.  Asking for help and understanding is such a major key in 
yourself from constant worry.

Worrying about whether there is enough money or not can be a pretty
stressful thing.  Is it worth the worry?  I say – absolutely not!  Worrying,
more often then not leads to a lot of stress then over time you find yourself
getting sick and even when you get over your sickness the stress of worrying
if there’s enough money comes back.  What a vicious cycle!

There’s a cure for the ‘worry disease’ as I like to call it.

Here’s three steps to the cure:

Wanting to solve this worry disease is the first step to the cure:
You have to really want it bad enough in order for you to move
forward and take the necessary steps in solving this problem.
If you tell yourself that you don’t have enough time or make other
excuses, then there’s nothing else that you can do to make things

Asking great questions is the second step to the cure:
Questions like:  What can I do to solve this worry problem?
Who can I ask for help to solve this problem?
Writing down these questions and your answers can be very helpful
as you get started.
Look for someone to help you solve this problem that has had experience
in this type of situation and has had great results, that way they can
move you to solving these problems quickly and easily.

Taking action and following through with what needs to be done
is the third step to the cure:
Taking action can be scary sometimes, especially if you can’t see
the end result.  It’s too bad that the proof doesn’t come before the
end result.  I know it sounds crazy but wouldn’t it be nice if it were
possible!  That’s why it so important to work with somebody that has
already gone through and overcome this same kind of problem, that
person can testify that it’s possible and walk you through it.

Follow through can also be really hard if this process is very different
than anything that you’ve ever been through or done before.  Stick with
it no matter how hard it feels.  It’s always worth it in the end.  Just keep
that in mind.

Worrying is not good for you.  🙂