In part 1 of “Do Things Differently In Your Life” article,
I talked about why it is important to do things differently.
How things become a breeze when you become you.

I even apologized to my Mom for being difficult, even
though I didn’t say those exact words.  🙂

So, I want to talk a little bit more about the benefits of doing
things differently in your life.

-You start to feel like you are special, if you don’t already feel
like that.
Now, I’m not sure if you have even thought about feeling like
you’re special or that you even care to feel like that.  But,
I will say that when you start to care about how you feel about
yourself, everyone around you will start to notice and even
make a comment or two.  I want to challenge you to —-

Another benefit:

-Your sense of awareness becomes greater because you’re
not focusing on trying to be like or become someone else.
Greater awareness is always a good thing that’s for sure.
Who wouldn’t want to notice things around us that can
benefit us, or those that we care about.  It’s when we are
paying attention that we can enjoy the benefits of that
new found sense of awareness.  And the benefits will
definitely be different for everyone.

One more benefit:

-You’ll find that your level of confidence starts to grow.
You know something very interesting that I’ve noticed for
many years now, is that as peoples confidence level starts to
grow they start to realize that they aren’t so: dumb, stupid,
unworthy, ridiculous, foolish or …(you fill in the blank).
You start to have a lot of small little accomplishments that
lead you straight to a higher level of confidence as you keep
plugging away, doing things a little different (your own special way).

I know that all of these things do, and will take time.  This is not
something that happens overnight.  I want to encourage you
to hang in there, keep going, moving forward in the pursuit of
‘being you’ so that you can ‘do things differently in your life’
and reap all of the benefits that are waiting for you.

Start today, I am cheering for you! (rah! rah!)

I would love to help you in your pursuit of Doing Things
Differently In Your Life.  Click Here to schedule your complimentary
Discovery Session.


Janin Johnston
The Fashionable Finance Coach

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