I’ve always tried to do things a little differently in my life.
I can remember when I was a kid having that thought
and feeling of wanting to do things how I wanted to do
it and when I wanted to do it.

(Sorry Mom!)

I’m pretty sure I gave my Mom and other family members
stress at times.  As I think about it now, I think I felt and
acted that way because of the amount of creative energy
that I had from a really young age.

As a kid I always went with that creative energy that was
moving and flowing, that’s what were supposed to do.
Thanks to my Mom, she was always doing something
creative with my siblings and I.  I am so grateful for that!

What I’ve come to realize is that you have to find out who
you are all the way down to the depths of your very soul.
When you do that it becomes very evident that we are all
different on every level.

And what I’ve seen from so many people is that they
sometimes don’t really know who they are, or, are a
little afraid of what they know about themselves.

I am here to tell you that being different and doing
things differently is one of the many great
things that you can do for yourself, and for those
people who are closest to you.

Now, I’m not talkin’ about being the weird kind of
different that will turn people off.
I’m just talking about being you, which is
different.  There is only one you on this planet,
there is no one else like you.

So, when you become comfortable with being different,
then doing things differently becomes a breeze!

You’ll start to notice that things start to get better in
you life.  Now I know that this idea is not easy for
a lot of people, but, it is well worth it.

One things that you can do today to start to do things
differently is:

*Decide that this is what you want to do and can commit
to, knowing that this is going to be a fantastic thing for you.

There are so many benefits to doing things differently.

I just want to let you know that I love the fact that I do things
differently than a lot of other people.  I’m not afraid of it.
If a thought or idea comes to me, then I go with the flow.
It has helped me in so many ways that it’s impossible to
mention them all here.

I think that I just might need to write a part 2 for this article.
Stay tuned!


Janin Johnston
The Fashionable Finance Coach

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what you think of this article.

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