Sometimes we can be our own worst critic.  Why do we do that to ourselves
and what good will it do?

Criticizing is a direct reflection of who we compare our selves to and making
all kinds of judgments.

There’s the internal criticizing and then there’s the verbal criticizing, it happens
all the time.  Have you ever listened to yourself lately to the things that you are
saying in your mind and out loud?

Constant criticizing, no matte what kind it is can lead to feelings of not being
good enough, feelings of not being smart enough, not having enough, and
many more.  Life is not meant to be like that

You are unique.

Take a look at criticizing versus reflecting; the great thing is, is that you can
switch from criticizing to reflecting.  It’s a simple switch to make.

Here is something simple that you can do to make that switch:

As soon as you start to have that thought and urge to criticize either
yourself or someone else, quickly turn that thought into a question.

e.g. if you’re thinking the thought that “I’m so stupid, why did I do that.”
or “He or she is so stupid, I don’t know why he/she did that.”

What you would do then is to ask yourself:  “Is it really true that I’m stupid?”
and if it were about someone else, you would ask yourself:  “Is what he or she did
really stupid or is it just that I didn’t like or agree with what that person did?”

After asking those questions and reflecting on what you just said, you will
be able to answer yourself truthfully and I bet you that your answers will
be positive and not negative.

It feels so much better when you start to reflect on what you think and
say instead of criticize.

You can use this method with everything that you are dealing with.
Try it right now; it’s a beautiful thing.