You might not even realize that you are in survival mode because life
gets so busy and you make yourself even busier, falling into a day to day

routine and next thing you know the busyness of life swoops in and causes
you to become numb to the many wonderful wonders of life.

Sometimes it takes something like being in survival mode for a long time before
you get to a point of realization that you’re pretty close to hitting some kind of
brick wall that will hurt a little (or maybe a lot) and that this is not what you
signed up for.

You might have even developed bad habits while you are in that state of just
surviving, it’s pretty common you know.

when you start to forget who you are and what make you come alive is where
get to that tipping point of falling into survival mode.

Do you know that the whole time you are just surviving you lose a small part of
to other people, whether you realize it or not.  It takes away from you
growing as a person in every way possible – spiritually, mentally, emotionally
and so many other ways.

The key is to start today, right now, to take a look at how you are living your life
day.  You might not like what you see, but I can promise you that it will be
worth it to take a look.

It’s really not that hard to make some small tweaks in your life, you just have to
want it.  Amazing things happen when you want it!