That is a good question to ask yourself if you are not already thinking it.
A lot of people are not totally happy with their lives or certain part of their
lives. It could be your job, your current living situation, your wardrobe.
It’s endless when it comes to the areas where you could be craving something
different, It’s a good thing if you are.

It means that you are alive and are paying attention to your life and the things
around you.  The things or situations that are making you happy and not so happy.

Start now by writing things down on paper or if you are a total electronics individual,
type it in your smart phone or iPod the things that you are craving, and the things
that are in your life now that you are not so jazzed about.

You will be surprised what comes out of your head and on to paper or into your electronic
device.  You might not have even realized it until you saw it in written form.

It might even be the thing that moves you to make a decision towards creating what
you really want, no matter what area of your life it is in.  You deserve to live a happy
life here on earth.

Passionately Creating,
Janin Johnston