Do you have a hard time hearing something,
it and then try to implement it
with little success?

Do you have to see something before you
understand it?

I love to talk about the way that we learn, using our senses
to fully understand what’s going on around us.

There are the three main ways in which we learn:
Auditory and Kinesthetic.
I want to talk about how we learn visually.

Everybody learns differently and there are many different
of learning that fall under the three main categories, but
visual learning
is when we learn something by seeing it first
before it makes sense.

Think back to when you were in school. How did you learn best?
Sometimes we don’t even think about things like that.
I surely didn’t start thinking about those things until I was an adult.

I was lucky enough to have a boss who pointed out to me what
my style of learning is. She was a Middle School Principal at
the time that we had this conversation and knew everything there
was to know about learning styles. Just FASCINATING!

Now, she didn’t just come out and tell me these things, we were
having a conversation about how I thought I learned things in
school when I was a kid and teenager.

She recognized that I’m a kinesthetic learner. Once I understood
how I learned it made all the difference. More about kinesthetic
learning in another article.

I want to talk to those of you who are visual learners.

One way to identify if you are a visual learner is if you have
to see things in order to understand it. Seeing is a very
important part of how you learn and how everything makes
sense to you.

It really makes a difference when someone can explain to
you how you learn best.

Just like your finances, have you had people tell you that
you need to do “XYZ” when it comes to taking care of your
finances and not understand what they mean?
Sometimes you cannot understand what they’re saying just
by hearing them. So it just becomes easier to work with your
finances the same old way.

It’s easy for someone to say “you need to do this and you need
to do that” but in order for you to have greater success with your
finances, you need to see an example of a step-by-step system
or have someone show you a better way of working with your

Have no fear, working with you finances doesn’t always have to
be stressful, here’s how you can start to relieve some of your

Figure out what kind of learner you are and get some help or
support, it will make a big difference.

I can speak from experience that once I understood my learning
style, things became so much easier for me and for those
around me at work.

If you need some help figuring out what kind of learner you are or
need some support with achieving success with your finances,
I invite you to email me at


Janin Johnston
The Fashionable Finance Coach

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