Are You A Shopaholic-I had an interesting conversation with a young bank teller yesterday, and I
would guess that she’s in her early 20’s – she was very open to sharing her
thoughts with me.

As she was working on my financial transaction, I was curious to know if
she managed her money(better) and made better financial decisions because
she worked at the bank.

I’m not afraid to ask people questions if I really want to know something…
so, I asked her if she learned to manage her money better because she
worked there and, if the bank sent her to some kind of training to her help
with her own finances.

She smiled at me and chuckled a little and then said “NO, I’m a Shopaholic
and the bank doesn’t teach their employees any of those things.”

She loves to buy clothes and I completely understand!

Who doesn’t want the latest and cutest style of clothes coming out every
month?  After all, we women need to look stylish, right?  😉

I find that it’s a really common thing among so many women of all ages
in society that don’t manage their money and don’t manage it very well.

Then I asked her how she keeps track of her money and she said that
she just uses the bank app that she downloaded onto her phone.

That is also what other women have told me for the last couple of years
about how they keep track of their money and finances.

Ladies, I don’t recommend that you try to keep track of your money
and finances on an app that you’ve downloaded onto your phone.
(This is my opinion from years of experience helping women)
The amount of hacking that is going on in the world today is just
unbelievable.  I’m not trying to scare anyone, I’m just sharing what
I have seen happen to people.  We all need to be aware of what’s
going on.

I love to ask really powerful questions all the time and I want to ask
you this:

What would happen if you lost your phone or it got stolen?

I know many people who have had those things happen to them.
Life at that moment becames a nightmare in so many ways and I’m
sure you’ve heard of some of those nightmares from someone you
know or know of.

It’s always better to write things down on paper and have a backup.
Many people I know keep track of their money and finances use an
excel spreadsheet, I’m one of them.  I also write everything down on
paper as well, because I like to see things written out – it makes more
sense to me.

Now, I know that an excel spreadsheet scares a lot of people, and if
that’s you, then just use a word or text document instead.  In the excel
spreadsheet that I created, I log in all of my receipts from shopping
(every single purchase) and I do this about every couple of days.  By
the end of the month I have a total of all my spending, which includes
necessities like food, gas, personal care products, etc.

You’ll be amazed what happens when you do this every month.

You’ll start to see where you’ve spent money frivolously and how  much
you’ve spent.  It’s an eye opener for sure!

Of course you don’t have to get all fancy like that with an excel spread-
sheet, just a piece of paper will work well too.

Let’s make our money work for us and not let it slip out of our hands so
easily…by letting the Shopaholic out and free to roam.

This bank teller was so sweet and before leaving, I thanked her for being
so honest with me and that I appreciated her sharing.

I know that talking about those things make people feel uncomfortable,
so let’s start talking about it so that it becomes comfortable.

Aloha, Janin