In general a Kinesthetic learner is someone that has to hear, see and touch something in
order for them to fully learn and understand something.

I’m back talking about learning styles. I mentioned in the ‘Are You A Visual Learner’
article that I love to talk about learning styles. I think I’m really excited to talk about
it as much as I can because I know how I learn now and it’s not a mystery to me anymore.
(I don’t like mysteries about myself!)

Kinesthetic learning is so interesting because it uses the most important senses that
we have to learn… our hearing, our vision, our sense of touch and a lot of times our
sense of smell.

I am a Kinesthetic learner. Have you ever thought about what kind of l earner you are?
You might be a Kinesthetic learner too.

I know that I didn’t know what kind of learner I was until I was an adult.
Most people don’t think about it because it’s not taught in school.

So when you are learning something, at what point do you get it?… after the 3rd,
4th or 5th time?
If you don’t know what kind of learner you are, it could affect your ability to work
with your personal finances effectively.

So what do you do now?

Once you’ve finally learned what kind of learner you are, and start using those
senses more often you’ll start getting those ah-ha moments and it makes you
feel good because struggling takes its toll on you and then it becomes easy to
give up. We all need successes in our lives, including our finances.

‘Be Fashionable with your Finances’