Your day can be very stressful with all kinds of distractions around you where ever
you go, things like: people talking, the television when it’s on, your computer,
your cell phone, and more.  It’s amazing that you can even get anything done
during the day!

Innovation is great because it give us so many great things to make our lives
better and a lot of fun.  But, what do you do when all of these great things
is distracting?

Another thing that is really distracting is money.  It can be for a lot of people.
Is your money distracting you?  Has it ever been distracting to you?

Here is a list of five questions to answer that will tell you if your money is
distracting or not:

1)  Do you think about how little your pay is at your job while you’re there and
you have a hard time completing you work?

2)  Everyday do you think about how in the world you’ll be able to pay for
you increased utility bill that month?

3)  Do you think about how you are going to pay all of your monthly bills and buy
food with the amount of income you bring home?

4)  Do you start to feel depressed when you think about how you want to buy
something nice for yourself but there is no money left after paying for all of
your bills each month?

5)  Do you look in your wallet and think about why you don’t have any cash or
very little cash and that thought stays with you all day and maybe for the
whole week or more?

If you’ve answered yes to at least two of these five questions, then I have to
tell you that your money is distracting you.  Money can be a lot more distracting
than anything else out there, because you need money to live there’s just no
way around it.

If you are being distracted and you don’t like it, I will tell you that the first thing
to do is acknowledge that it is happening and then make an internal decision
that you want to let go of this kind of unwanted distraction.

The next thing you can do is to have a plan for your money and get help from
someone that knows how to help you with making a plan to move forward and
away from money distractions.

Click on this link so that I can help you get started with a complimentary Savvy
Woman Money Breakthrough Session!


Janin Johnston
“Be Fashionable with your Finances”