Emotional Shopping

Men and Women do it. 

Emotional shopping, that sounds a little crazy doesn’t it?

Emotional shopping is a force to be reckoned with!  It has its grip and
boy it doesn’t want to let go especially when you’re feeling emotionally
overloaded, just plain mad and/or sometimes you just can’t figure out how
to deal with something that is happening in your world.

So . . . what do you do?  You go shopping!

Getting out of this emotional overload as soon as possible is the only thing
that you can think about.  Just the word “shopping” has an amazing
feeling of “aahhhhhhh … I feel better already”.  But the real relief doesn’t
come until you actually have made a purchase of something, anything
at this point, paid for the item(or 2), got the packaged item/s in your
hand then exit the store with a smile.

It’s an amazing feeling to have accomplished your emotional shopping
quest.  Euphoria has now taken over and nothing can hurt you now.
You feel great for the next few days…


That feeling of Euphoria seems to have disappeared and you can’t understand
what happened and why.

Now what do you do?  Emotional shopping has never ever had any long lasting
emotional satisfaction that you would want it too.  Sad to say, since shopping
can be fun when you have the extra money to spend.

If emotional shopping is not helping you solve your problem, then it’s time to
figure out what you can do to help with solving whatever you are struggling with.

Here are 5 things to start doing right away that will help you:

Emotional shopping doesn’t have to take over your life.  There’s more to enjoy in life as you
are on your journey here on earth.