Comparing yourself to other people is something that most people do and I
hear it everywhere I go.

Most people have a natural tendency to compare themselves to other people
like their siblings, a neighbor, a friend, or even a movie star, the list is endless.

The whole comparing yourself to your sibling thing starts at a very young age.
I’ve seen it for many years, in my own family and in other families that I know.
Sibling comparison just comes from not being taught that we are very unique
and that we have our own special gifts, talents, personality, likes and dislikes
and more.

Have you ever thought in your mind “I am not smart like him/her” or “I’m not
good looking/pretty like that person” or “I’ll never make as much money as
that person”?  Have you caught yourself saying some kind of comparison out

You might not even want other people to know that you are comparing yourself
like that.

Money is a big deal; we think about it all the time because we need it to live,
there’s no way around it.  Comparing the amount of money you have to some one
else can lead to feelings of unworthiness, especially when you think they have
more money than you.  Please don’t do it!  It’s not worth it.  

As time goes on it becomes very hard to do anything that is uniquely you when
you are comparing yourself to other people and makes it very difficult to do what
you need to do in your life.

The key thing to remember when you start to compare yourself to others, is that
we are all unique, there is no one that is exactly like us (not even identical twins).
That’s what makes us so great (even if you don’t feel great).

Go forward and start to do the great things that you are meant to do and leave
the comparison behind.