I want to ask you:  Who are you?  Do you know who you really are?
Do you know what your unique personal qualities are? What inspires
you and makes your happy?  Have you ever really asked yourself these
types of questions?

Is the answer NO!  Do you know that one of the greatest things you can
do for yourself is to ask yourself these important questions.  It’s not
something that most people were taught growing up and it’s never too late
to start asking yourself these questions now.

So many people do not have a good sense of who they really are deep down
inside, so they find themselves struggling a lot in many areas of their life and
are not quite sure why. Having a strong sense of who you are and acknowledging
it will make a big difference in everything that you do and say.

Test it out for yourself by honestly asking yourself the questions that I asked in the
first paragraph above.  You might want to write the questions and your answers
to the questions down somewhere, in a notebook or computer document, what ever
works for you.  

It might take a little while before you get to that place of knowing who you really are.
It might take courage to do this type of exercise.  Who knows what you might uncover.
You might be pleasantly surprised, but you will never know if you don’t even attempt
to ask yourself those important questions.

You need to have a strong sense of yourself in order to be successful in your life.

Once you find out how amazing you are (yes you’re amazing), you will be able to wake
up every morning with an excitement
 for the day!