There is a cute quote that I found that says:

“Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others.”
Author Unknown

I just love it!  I think it’s safe to say that most people just want to be happy.
I haven’t met anyone that said to me that they want to be unhappy.  Thank

But sometimes life happens and then you find yourself feeling unhappy.
Of course there’s a million reason for your unhappiness, so, I have a Recipe
For Happiness that you might want to try if you ever find yourself in a place
of unhappiness no matter how you got there.

It goes like this:

Take one overflowing cup of willingness to try.
Add two cups of cheer and smiles with courage heaped up high.

Add a little pinch of grit, well mixed with self-control,
add a rounding tablespoon of sunshine in your soul.

Now to this mixture, add your service trough a sieve,
the faults will sift away and cause no one to grieve.

Stir lightly with a son (or daughter), make every stroke a prayer.
Pour gently in the pan of kindness, love and care.
Bake slowly in the heart, when done, allow to cool.
Share kindly with thy neighbor and serve the Golden Rule. 

There’s so much that you can do to help yourself feel happy again.
What would happen if you just take one thing a day from this
recipe and apply it to your life?  You would never know until
you try.