There are many things that happen to people everyday without them
even realizing it.  They could be good or bad, depending on how
they look at it.

It’s pretty interesting that a lot of what happens gets unnoticed
because people are so busy with their lives, their family, their
career, their eyes are glued to electronic devices and more.

Some things that happen to me and others around me that I notice
all the time:

Someone smiles at you as they walk by, someone says good morning
or good afternoon to you, someone walking in front of you holds the
door open for you after they walk through it, when you accidentally
drop something and the person that’s the closest to you reaches down
to pick it up for you.

The list can go on and on.  The point is that people need to really start
paying attention to all of those little things that happen all around
them, everyday.  If they did there would be a lot more happiness,
courtesy and caring happening in this world.

The most simple little things are the one’s that have the biggest

It all starts with one person doing something nice everyday!