7:13-5 Reasons Why...]

NEVER EVER go to the store without a shopping list of some kind,
whether it’s written on paper or on your phone and try to limit the
number of times you go to the store.  Here’s why…

1.    As soon as you walk in the door you forget what you
needed to get in the first place.

2.    There’s a whole marketing psychology on shoppers
that the stores use to make every thing you see very
appealing and makes you want to buy it.
(I know because I used to work in retail)
So…. that leads me to the 3rd reason…

3.    You don’t buy what you actually came to the store for.

4.    You end up buying things that you don’t really need.

5.    You spend way more money than you can afford.  And,
a lot of times using credit to make the purchase!

Everything listed above is from experience.  So a few years ago what I
decided to do was to make sure that before I went to any store that I would
write down on a piece of paper the exact thing or things that I needed.  I still
do that to this day.  I make sure that I write my list with a bright colored pen
making the words a little larger than usual – it’s as if the bright words are reminding
me of what I really need.

Now, I’m not perfect.  I have moments that I just feel like I don’t want to write a list
and I go… and I shop … and I buy things that I don’t really need.  But, I learn very
quickly that I should have made a list!

If this happens to you, don’t worry the main thing is that you get back to doing the
things that work, like writing a shopping list on paper or in your phone – which ever
works best for you.

Try it out this weekend and see what happens.


Janin Johnston


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