There are so many families that are just struggling in so many different
ways.  Struggling to get along, struggling to make ends meet, parents
working 2 or 3 jobs, and the list goes on.

Because money is such a major part of living and it is connected
to almost everything in our lives and a lot of times it becomes
very stressful, so, I wanted to share with you:

3 Things You Can Do Right Now To Strengthen Your Family
doesn’t involve money.

1.  Set a time once a week that you spend together
Now I know that once a week sounds like a lot, so just take it one step
at a time.  Try it once and then work it from there.

Start by choosing an activity that everyone (or majority) wants to
participate in (I recommend having the activity at home or go to a
nearby park that you can walk to) remember that it shouldn’t involve
spending money.

Some of the most wonderful things/activities do not involve money.
You might find that not every one is going to be on board with this idea.
Just stick to your guns and breathe, it will all be worth it!

You might have to start by having this activity for 15 to 30 minutes at first;
you never know what will happen.  15 to 30 minutes is better than not having
a family activity at all.

2.  Write a note to your spouse and/or children
Letting them know something that you like or admire about them.
It doesn’t have to be long or poetic, it just needs to be honest.
You’ll be amazed at the kind of reaction you will get.
Doing things like that will melt any hard feelings pretty quickly.

3.  Make a video or audio recording for your family
Now here is something really fun, make a video to your family
of you saying something nice to them or even singing a song.
People love watching videos now.

If you don’t have access to a video device of some kind then
you can make an audio recording instead.
There are free audio recording programs that you can download
onto your computer that will let you record anything at the click
of the mouse.

One free audio recording software that I’ve used is
One free video recording software that I’ve heard is good is

Sometimes just being funny or silly within a family creates a really
neat bond between each other.

I hope you really take to heart these 3 Things That You Can Do Right
Now To Strengthen Your Family.  I know that they may not all be easy
to do at first, but just start with the one that you feel will be the easiest
for you to do.  Then do the other two as soon as you can.

It will make your heart sing!

I wish you all the success possible!  Remember, there’s strength in unity.


Janin Johnston


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