You are all creative.  I hope you know that?
Especially as women, you are all given the ability
to create on every level there is.

You might think that you’re not creative just because
you don’t draw, paint or sculpt clay.  Well, I’m here
to tell you that creativity and being creative does not
have anything to do with drawing, painting or sculpting
clay!  Believe it or not.

You see, creativity comes in many forms.  Most of the time it
is right in front of your eyes, but it may be in disguise.

You use your creative gifts everyday without even realizing it.

I write so much about creativity because most of the people
I talk to also seem to think that they are not creative.  Go figure?
Why would you think about yourself like that?

I’ve had a lot of people tell me “I’m not creative” and I always
will say, “that’s not true!”

Many years ago, the word creativity was only used in the art
industry or if you or someone you know drew, painted or sculpted

Our world is changing so quickly these days, it’s amazing to see all
of the creativity out there in the world.  Especially the computer industry
with all of the computer programs that are created everyday, the websites
and social media sites that are coming up in record numbers.
Pencils, paint and clay are not used to create all of those things, yet
the number one ingredient is creativity.

All of that takes creativity and the desire to create something.
Something that is unique or just because it’s what you want to do.

I have this really cool quote that I found many years ago.
I don’t know who said it, but I really like it.
And it goes like this …
“Creative people have a spark within them that warms them through
all seasons.  It is the one human attribute that has the power to bring
a constant feeling of joyfulness within, on demand.  Almost nothing
else in life can match it, and thankfully, creativity can be expressed
on any level, in a whole spectrum of ways.”

I know that this quote is so true, because I have seen it over and over
again for the last 22 years from my former students (ages 8 to 60 something
years old) while I was teaching sewing, craft and sewing/art classes.

So what form does your creativity come in, what warms your soul?
Is it story telling, writing, repurpose something or cooking?  The list
goes on.

This is what I would love for you to do every day from now on:
Start reminding yourself that you are creative and you
have the ability to create anything that your heart desires.
Do something creative everyday, something that you enjoy,
even if you only have 15 minutes to spare in your day.  You’ll be
amazed at how much you can do in just 15 minutes a day.

That is how some of the most wonderful and amazing inventions were
created, a little every day, day by day.

Try it for yourself; you’ll be glad you did!



Janin Johnston
The Fashionable Finance Coach


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