Have you ever thought about what makes your happy just by looking at it?
For example have you ever looked at a bottle of perfume (if you have and wear
perfume that is) and for some unknown reason it made you smile and maybe
even made you feel happy without you even realizing that it did until you took
your attention off of that bottle of perfume.  It could have been the pretty bottle
that the perfume comes in or could it have been the remembrance of the wonderful
scent of that perfume you wear, maybe it was both of those things that made you smile.

That’s what happened to me the other day as I glanced over to where my perfume
bottle sits and  for some reason I was just so mesmerized as I was observing how pretty
the bottle is and the color of the liquid (the perfume) which is light pink, something so simple
but yet so beautiful.

It’s amazing that the creator of that perfume really took the time to create this
fabulous smelling perfume and took the time to think about all the little details like
the shape of bottle, the cover (not just any ordinary cover) the color of the words,
and the font.  It just makes you want to reach out and hold it in your hands!

That’s how your life is made up of, a lot of small little details in everything around
you.  You probably haven’t even thought about it in that way until now and if you
have, I say “yah!” that means that you are paying attention to the many small little things
that make you happy.  If not that’s ok, now is the time to start.

I would love to give you 1 step to take to design and create your life so that you can
learn to become aware of those wonderful little things in your life that are important
and make you happy.

When you first get up in the morning, look around you and make a mental
note of all the things you see that you love.  Starting to look at all the little things on
a daily basis is the beginning of cultivating your awareness of the bigger things
in your life that is equally important, but, have not really been recognized before.
We all have those things.

Passionately Creating,
Janin Johnston