Episode #114-Why Not Schedule In YOUR OWN SUCCESS! Part 1

I want to talk about success in a way where you schedule in your own success.

Think about this, if you have a job you have a schedule that you’re on in order
to get things done.

What is your definition of success? 

No one will ever have the same definition of success, and write down what your
definition is and what does it mean to you.

Does it mean that you have success in your family, having a certain amount of
money, or success in your job? 

Don’t put any limits on your success because you have to find what’s most meaningful
to you.

Every single day, 7 days a week schedule in 15 minutes to work on doing something
that will lead you to your success.

You can find 15 minutes a day even if you’re busy.

If it’s meaning full to you, you can find 15 minutes a day.

Success could be in the areas of mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical – or all of
the above.

There’s no timeline for success, but if you want to you can make a timeline then
figure out what you want to accomplish by what date.

Success can be a life long journey with milestones along the way. 

I want to put this in your mind and in your heart.

If you don’t take the time to schedule in your success, someone else will come in and
take up your time instead. 

If you are ready to start your own creative business and want a guide to help you get 
started, then click on this link and get this business starter kit.

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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production