#112-You Can’t RECEIVE If Your Plate Is Full!

Receiving, for a lot of people, especially women is really hard. 
You can’t receive if your plate is full.

So many women pile a lot of things on their plate and that
one plate is your capacity to be able to do all the things that
you have to do.

Women have a hard time saying no! 

When your plate is piled so high, there’s no room for you to receive. 

Have you ever said to someone that has given you something –
“No, I don’t need that, I’m fine”?

It’s really bad to say to someone who is giving you something because
life is about giving and receiving.

Check what’s on your plate because if your plate is full, you
can’t receive.

Giving and receiving is what makes the world go-’round and
it also makes you feel more fulfilled.

Receive today with a grateful heart.

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started, then click on this link
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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production