Episode #96-When Was The Last Time You Felt INSPIRED?!

When you have a business of your own, it helps you create
something – using your own gifts.

That’s exactly what I want to share with you in this video,
being inspired and creating.

When was the last time you were inspired?

Do you pay attention to that inspiration?

Make sure you write it down as soon as it comes to your
mind or your heart because there’s a great possibility that
the inspiration will leave your mind as soon as it arrived.

Take action right away on that inspiration: whether it’s to
call someone, text someone, or create something.

All inspiration comes from God and there’s something that
happens when you take action right away – It’s like the magic
of what you’re doing comes alive and it’s so beautiful to see
it unfold.

Do this for yourself today.  You’ll reap the benefits when you
take action on the inspiration you receive as soon as you receive it.

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Music by: The Late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production