Episode #79-Do You Have A DREAM Or Even A Small Desire To Start A Creative Business?!

If you’ve ever had a dream or desire to start a creative
business, I’m here to tell you to start

Women tend to put aside or disregard their dreams of
having a creative business.

Do you worry too much about what other people are doing to
think or what they’re going to say?

I’ve heard excuses like:  I’m too busy or I’m too tired.

Family is not always the most supportive, but, keep that
stirring inside of you alive
because God has given you
these creative
gifts to bless you and others.

I want to ask you again: Do you have a dream that you
want to bring it alive?

Now is the greatest time to start a creative business. 
Are you out of work or are you in a job that you don’t like?

I’m here to help women start or grow a creative business.

Creativity will fill you up, use your gifts to make you come
alive – it will benefit you and your family.

We need more people to spread joy in the world more now
than ever and it feels amazing when someone buys your art
and it brings them joy.

I have a special offer starting today where you can sign up for
a 45 minutes coaching session with me to help you get started
with your very own creative business. And it’s a special price of
$47 from now November 4 to November 16, 2020.

So if you’re ready and you want me to help you start, you can
send me an email at aloha@janinjohnston.com

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

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Music by: The late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production