Episode #75-Mindset Wrap-Up!

Aloha sisters, I wanted to do a wrap up about what I’ve been talking
about in episodes #71 to #74 which is mindset. And it’s been an interesting
journey learning about mindset. And I hope you found great value in what
I’m talking about and the things
that I’m sharing.

Mindset is so important and it has to be talked about a lot more than it
already is.

In episode #71, I talked about what is mindset and I tried to describe it
in a different way. Not in a scientific or technical, but I tried to just describe
it as like if I were having a conversation with you if you’re sitting right here
with me.

In episode #72, I titled it this specific title on purpose and the tile is “if you
set your mind to it!”, like WHAT!  You have to understand what that means
and you have to have somebody help you to understand what that means
as well.

In episode #73, I talked about getting an upgrade, you know, do you want
an upgrade to your mindset? I know I do.  And I shared about how you have
to come from a place of love, and you have to be able to love and accept yourself.
In order to upgrade your mindset,

In episode #74, I talked about what mindset are you gonna choose and that’s
the question is “what mindset are you going to choose?”

Whatever that mindset is, I hope you choose to be open to possibilities.

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I look forward to meeting you there.

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Music by: The late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production

dapibus leo.