Episode #74-What Mindset Are You Going To Choose?

You have free will to choose, also known as agency.

You do have a choice on what kind of mindset you want to

Mindset is like a bucket full of all different things like your
beliefs and how you view yourself.

Your Mindset is not fixed.  In my 30 years of working with
women, the only thing that makes it seem like they have a
fixed mindset is because fear shows up and gets in the
way of them being open to possibilities.

Write down what kind of mindset you want.  Do you have a
mindset that’s not serving you very well?  Do you want to upgrade?

With mindset, you have to choose what you want, so think
about it and decide today.

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Music by: The late-Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album:  Wale No
Produced By:  Pilialoha Production