As we celebrate the Labor Day Holiday here in the United States
on Monday, September 5th, I invite you to think about the kind of life
that you are living. More on that in just a bit.

For many people this day has a different meaning and
people around the U.S. celebrate this day in so many different ways.
Here in Hawaii we celebrate by having a barbeque at the beach,
it's a time to get together with friends and family and to rest
from our labors.

The first Labor Day Holiday was celebrated on September 5, 1882,
It is held in honor of working people.
Most of us work so hard at trying to make a living and are exhausted.
I know many people who work two jobs just to support and sustain
their families. My heart goes out to them and all of their efforts, it's
very admirable. 

I just wondering how long they will be able to keep up with that type of
living. Have you had a chance to think about the kind of life that you
are living? Are you happy with what your life looks like? Are you 
satisfied with your current living situation? Is it what you really want?
I urge you to think about these things this weekend and really
be honest with yourself. Because if you are not happy and completely
satisfied with your life right now, we are here to help you design and
create a life that you will be happy with. Have a great weekend. 
Contact us now for a strategy session. Passionately Creating! 
Janin Johnston